GC UNV103 WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT (Understanding a GCU Assignment Activity) LATEST 2016 MARCH



There are typically several core components to any assignment at GCU. Knowing how to dissect a GCU assignment ensures successful completion of the assignment. The Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet will provide you with an opportunity to practice dissecting the components of an assignment so that you are better prepared to complete assignments successfully.

Required Course Materials

Lecture 2

Chapter 4 in the textbook: Time Management and Study Skills

Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet

Syllabus Tutorial

Microsoft Word


Read and review the required course materials listed above to assist you in answering the questions on the attached worksheet. These materials are accessible through the course materials tab in your classroom.

To complete the assignment, you will review the sample assignment and rubric provided in the worksheet. This assignment is from another course and is only an example of an assignment, not one that you are required to complete. You will review the requirements of the sample assignment and rubric to guide you in answering the questions listed on the worksheet.

Please download the attached worksheet, as you will need to record your responses on the worksheet, save this, and then submit this as an assignment for this week.

Format Requirements

Record your answers on the Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet that is attached. Solid academic writing is expected.

Grading Criteria

Your instructor will grade the assignment using an Answer Key.





Understanding a GCU AssignmentWorksheet

Assignment Background:

It is important to read through all components of an assignment in the GCU classroom so that you are aware of its requirements and the expectations of your instructor. Look for the following cues:

· What is the objectiveof the assignment?

· What are the elements of the assignment?

· How will the assignment be graded?

· What are other considerations for completing the assignment well?

The purpose of this worksheet is to guide you in “decoding” any GCU assignment.

Assignment Instructions:

Review the sample syllabus and samplerubric under the questions below. Then, provide answers underneath the following questions:

  1. How do the objectives assist a student in completing the assignment?

  1. Describe what needs to be done for the assignment found in the sample syllabus?

  1. If you were to complete the assignment found in the sample syllabus, how would you set aside time to ensure it is completed on time?

  1. Will it be necessary to use the GCU library to complete the assignment found in the sample syllabus?

  1. What resources are provided to complete the assignment found in the sample syllabus?

  1. How will the instructor determine the student’s grade for the assignment?

  1. What is not clear to you about the assignment in the sample syllabus and how would you obtain more information?

  1. How can the rubric help a student meet the instructor’s expectation for the assignment?

Module and AssignmentInformation Found a Sample Syllabus:

Assignment Title

Worldview Puzzle Essay: Putting the Pieces Together


· Discuss the concept of a worldview.

· Describe how faith contributes to worldview.

Assignment Instructions

1) Identify the three components/puzzle pieces that you believe are most critical to the formation of a worldview. Refer to the Cosgrove text to help identify these components.

2) After considering these components, write an essay of 500-750 words that explains how these components/puzzle pieces fit together to form a coherent worldview. How does faith contribute to this worldview?

3) Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

4) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment

The Module Readingsand Resources:


· Read Introduction and chapters 1, 2, 3, and 6 (pp. 13-42 and 64-74) in the textbook, Foundations of Christian Thought: Faith, Learning, and the Christian Worldview.

· Lecture: What is a Worldview? How is a Christian Worldview Distinctive?

Rubric for a Module 2 Assignment in CWV-101:


% Value

1: Satisfactory

2: Somewhat Satisfactory

3: Satisfactory

4: Good

5: Excellent

% Scaling






Identifies and Describes Critical Components in Formation of a Worldview


Not completed.

Somewhat complete; not all components identified.

All components listed, but not well described.

All components listed, The description is comprehensive.

All components listed, The description is clear and concise.It Includes some elaboration.

Describes How Faith Contributes to One’s Worldview


Not completed.

Description weakly relates faith and one’s worldview.

Description is okay, but the contribution of faith to worldview is weak.

Description is strong, and the contribution of faith to worldview is good, No real world examples to clarify writer’s point of view.

Description is strong, and the contribution of faith to worldview is excellent. Uses good examples to clarify writer’s point of view.

Explains How the Components Fit Together


Not completed.

Does not adequately compare components.

Explanation is adequate but specific component attributes not well addressed.

The explanation is comprehensive and all components are specifically addressed.

The explanation is clear and concise. The connection among the components is clear.

Mechanics of Writing
(spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc)


Not completed.

Multiple grammar and spelling errors.

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language.

Largely free of mechanical errors, although uses a variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech.

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written academic English.

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