This chapter discusses stereotyping. it state that stereotyping is the process of using a standardized impression of a g...

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This chapter discusses stereotyping. it state that stereotyping is the process of using a standardized impression of a group of people to influence our perception of a particular individual.
there are three basic aspects of stereotyping:
1) some category of people is identified ( e.g. IT technicians, racial or ethnic groups, OB professors);
2) An assumption is made that individuals in this category have certain traits (e.g .nerdy , lazy. sensitive).
3) Finally, the general perception is formed that everyone in the category possesses those traits ( e.g. all IT technicians are geeks, all members of a certain ethics group are lazy, all OB professors are touchy freely").
As a manager/ leader what could you do to overcome some of the challenges associated with stereotyping in the workplace? what impact could stereotyping have in the workplace if not addressed?
Question (2)
what factors affect one"s attitude? how might one"s attitude affect one"s behavior? how do emotions influence behavior? how does the psychological contract affect one's attitude and behavior?
how do emotions and attitudes influence behavior? how might attitudes and emotions about a particular change initiative affect the outcome of the initiative?
Question (4)
Conflicts in the workplace can create stress and a negative environment for employees. conflicts can come from various factors. how might conflicting values of an employee and manager affect the employee's behavior?
can you thinks of a time when you or a coworker"s value clashed with management? what happened? how did this situation affect the employee and the department's morale? share your story.
Question (5)
lets take this a step further, how might conflicting personalities on a team influence individual? l recall working with a coworker that was always right, he would not even consider anyone else"s idea. if he didn't come up with the suggestion then it was a stupid idea. Needless to say, his personality clashed with the entire team. overtime he became toxic to the team. when he moved to a different department we finally began to see changes in the team. the team appeared more collaborative and cohesive upon his departure.
Have you ever worked with a coworker that you had conflicting personalities ? if so, how did you address the issue?
Question (6)
How do personality and values influences one"s behavior? How might leaders develops team values to illicit desired behaviors ? how might a consultant leverage the personalities and values of organizational leaders during a change initiative?


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