Question 1 0 / 0.15 points ________________ approach music as a social process in order to understand not only what mus...

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Question 1 0 / 0.15 points

________________ approach music as a social process in order to understand not only what music is but also why it is: what music means to its practitioners and audiences, and how those meanings are conveyed.



Music journalists



Question 2 0.15 / 0.15 points

According to the YouTube video interview with Dr. Suzel Reily, speaking about her training and work as an Ethnomusicologist, what are the two major categories into which people divide Ethnomusicology?

Aria and Rondo

Anthropology and Musicology

Improvisation and Interpretation

Sonata and Concerto

Question 3 0.15 / 0.15 points

Based on the same video interview with Dr. Reily, one important area of Ethnomusicological work is:


Time Signature


The orchestra

Question 4 0.15 / 0.15 points

_____________has the power to influence psychological aspects of behavior both consciously and unconsciously.

The Metronome


A tempo marking of Presto

All of the above

Question 5 0.15 / 0.15 points

Which of these are required for sound to "occur" in an environment?:

a) A vibrating source to initiate sound

b) A medium to transmit sound vibrations throughout the environment

c) A receiver to hear or record sound vibrations

d) All of the above

A vibrating source to initiate sound

A medium to transmit sound vibrations throughout the environment

A receiver to hear or record sound vibrations

All of the above

Question 6 0.15 / 0.15 points

In music, the psychological term used to describe gradations of amplitude (loudness and softness of sound) is ___________.





Question 7 0 / 0.15 points

___________ is the quality of a sound or sonic event.






Question 8 0.15 / 0.15 points

The "distance" between two pitches is known as an ____________.




All of the above

Question 9 0.15 / 0.15 points

A _________ _________is indicated at the beginning of a piece in the form of a fraction. The denominator indicates the chosen unit of measurement while the numerator indicates the number of such units comprised in a measure.

Quarter note

Melodic line

Key signature

Time signature

Question 10 0.15 / 0.15 points

A _____________ is a series of individual pitches, one occurring after another, so that the composite order of pitches constitutes a recognizable entity. It is the horizontal aspect of music.





Question 11 0.15 / 0.15 points

___________ is the rate of speed of a composition or a section of a composition which is measured by the number of beats-per-minute.





Question 12 0.15 / 0.15 points

______________ is the arrangement of durational sonic patterns or tone lengths that fall on or between a "beat."





Question 13 0.15 / 0.15 points

_________ is an Italian musical term that indicates a gradual increase in tempo.





Question 14 0.15 / 0.15 points

_____________ is the simultaneous occurrence of three or more tones by which chords of music are constructed, and the system by which one chord follows another chord in time.





Question 15 0.15 / 0.15 points

Acquiring knowledge of music may create a deeper sensitivity in humans for their environment and social culture and it is generally believed to enrich life.



Question 16 0.15 / 0.15 points

Measurable characteristics of sound are: Duration, Pitch, Amplitude, and Timbre.



Question 17 0.15 / 0.15 points

Repetition, variation, and contrast are the foundational procedures on which music composition rests. These important components are used in the creation of all the basic elements of music.



Question 18 0.15 / 0.15 points

The Italian word fortepiano has two meanings. One is a sudden dynamic change marked in a musical score, usually with the abbreviation fp, while the other refers to an early version of the modern piano, the first instrument that enabled to create dynamic contrast depending on the player’s touch.



Question 19 0.15 / 0.15 points

Form is the entire body of the "musical event" which has a beginning and an ending. A complete "form of music" is called a composition, piece or a work. Musicians and others who speak and write about music use these terms interchangeably.



Question 20 0.15 / 0.15 points

The music of all world cultures is notated (written on paper) in a musical notation system so that the music may be performed repeatedly.




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