Case Study, Stage 4: IT, Legal, Ethical and RegulatoryConsiderations for Proposed EHR Technology SolutionBefore you begi...

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Case Study, Stage 4: IT, Legal, Ethical and RegulatoryConsiderations for Proposed EHR Technology Solution

Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “UMUC Family Clinic Case Study”, the Case Study Stages 1-3, your required readings and feedback on your graded work so far.

Purpose of this Assignment

This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply the concepts of this course to address the capabilities and requirements for the certified EHR technology solution you have proposed for the UMUCFamily Clinic. This assignment addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:

· Evaluate the organizational environment in the health care industry to recognize how technology solutions enable strategic outcomes.

· Evaluate technology solutions in the health care industry to improve the quality of care, safety, and financial management decisions.

  • Examine the implications of ethical, legal, and regulatory policy issues on health care information systems.

IT, Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Considerations for Proposed EHR Technology Solution

Following your recommendation of a certified EHR system for the UMUC Family Clinic in your Stage 3 project, the owner of the UMUC Family Clinic wants to be sure he has considered everything before authorizing funding for the project. In evaluating an IT proposal, there are several areas that need to be considered. The owner, Dr. Martin, has asked you to prepare atableaddressing the important aspects/considerations of the project. These considerations are listed in the table provided with this assignment.Considerations include such areas as IT operational, architectural, project, legal and ethical considerations.

Depending on the specific EHR technology solution you proposed, some of the considerations would be more important than others, and some will be implemented as part of the system while others will require processes and procedures to be developed.

The responses that you enter into the table for each consideration must be aligned to the one specific EHR solution you proposed and must be appropriate to theUMUC Family Clinic.


Using the EHR technology solution you proposed in Stage 3, you should briefly explain it and then copy the table below and complete the remaining two columns.For each area of consideration, you should provide a brief description, aminimum of two sentences, and a brief explanation, a minimum of two sentences, to explain how that consideration will be accommodated in your solution. DO NOTcopy the definitions from the textbook or other sources but put into your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the concept as you provide your descriptions. Descriptions and explanations must provide enough information to convey your understanding of the consideration. Use the Grading Rubric to be sure you have covered everything. Submit your paper with both parts 1 and 2 below via your Assignment Folder as a Microsoft Word document, or a document that can be read using Microsoft Word.

Part 1:Briefly explain your proposed EHR technology solution. Identify what the solution is, what it is expected to do for the UMUC Family Clinic, and what major hardware, software and communications components will be used, summarizing the information you provided for Stage 3. You must provide enough information here so that it is clear that your explanations in the table that follow apply to your proposed solution.

Part 2:Table of Considerations. The Areas for consideration are defined in the section “Course Resources” which follows the table of considerations below. An example for one entry is also provided below (you cannot use the area identified in the example for your assignment). Click on the upper left corner of the table to copy it into your paper. Then, provide a description (like a definition, but in your own words) for each consideration and an explanation of how it will be accommodated in your proposed EHR solution; the area may be addressed by a specific capability provided with the system, by a policy/process/procedure to be developed at the UMUC Family Clinic, or by a combination of the two. Explain how the consideration will specifically be accommodated. NOTE: For full credit for all descriptions and explanations, the (minimum of) two sentences must fully explain and justify your reasoning. Roll your mouse over the top left corner of the table to select it and copy it into your assignment paper.

There should also be a well-written introduction to this table to tie it to Part 1 of the assignment; do not just insert a table with no explanation.

Table of Considerations


Description of the Area

(minimum 2 sentences for each, a definition in your own words)

How you will address it(minimum 2 sentences for each, linked to specific EHR technology solution proposed and to the UMUC Family Clinic)




Access Control


Security Policies












System and Data Backup




Transmission Security


Audit Control


Safety/Safe Design


Quality Improvement


Project Resources (Human, Financial)


Ethical Practices


Business Associate Contracts


HIPAA Privacy Rule


HIPAA Security Rule


Research and add a consideration from your knowledge of the course

For consideration #20, it is up to you to add a consideration that you feel is important, and that was not covered in the 19 considerations listed in the table. It is expected that you may do some external research, if you can’t find an additional consideration through your course readings. This is part of the assignment and is not additional credit.

Course Resources and Example

The table below provides the sources for the definitions and explanations of the areas of consideration. You may use other resources as well, but be sure they apply to health care information technology implementations.

Course Resources for Table of Considerations


Source of Definitions/Explanations

(located in Course Content)



Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook


Access Control

Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook


Security Policies

Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook



Week 5: System Quality Attributes



Week 5: System Quality Attributes



Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook



Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook



Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook


System and Data Backup

Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook



Week 4: Chapter 9, e-textbook


Transmission Security

Week 4:"System Security Procedures and Standards," lecture b


Audit Control

Week 4:"System Security Procedures and Standards," lecture b


Safety/Safe Design

Week 2: "Principles of Quality and Safety for HIT," lecture b


Quality Improvement

Week 2: "Introduction to Quality Improvement and HIT," lecture b


Project Resources (Human, Financial)

Week 7: Solution Building Module: Project Management


Ethical Practices

Week 4: "Ethics and Professionalism," lecture d


Business Associate Contracts

Week 4: "Privacy, Confidentiality & Security," lecture c


HIPAA Privacy Rule

Week 4:"System Security Procedures and Standards," lecture a


HIPAA Security Rule

Week 4: "System Security Procedures and Standards," lecture a


Research and add a consideration from your knowledge of the course

Example from another industry:For example, for a fitness center that is adopting a new technology solution involving a kiosk for customers to use to pay for their membership at the gym, then for the Area of Accessibility, the following might be entered. Note the thorough explanation. You CAN NOT use this area for your “Additional Consideration” area in the assignment.


Description of Area



Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible. This includes accessibility to people with various impairments such as: cognitive, visual, hearing and /or dexterity issues.

Since the customers will use the kiosk to pay their membership fees, it must be accessible to everyone, including those with some disabilities. The system provides audio instructions and other tools for people with disabilities. As part of the implementation, these capabilities will be tested and front desk personnel will be trained to assist customers if needed.

The "right" and "wrong" answers have to do with whether or not you correctly defined each consideration as it relates to your proposed EHR technology solution and have provided a well-supported explanation for how it will be accommodated. Your responses will be evaluated on whether they are applicable to the solution, appropriately defined, adequately explained, and are appropriate to the UMUC Family Clinic. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects.




Far Above Standards


Above Standards


Meets Standards


Below Standards

< 60%

Well Below Standards

Possible Points

Explanation of Proposed Solution

9-10 Points

Explanation uses course vocabulary and concepts to clearly identify what the IT solution is, what it is expected to do for the organization in the case study, and what the major components are; and it sets the stage well for the table. A well-written introduction to the Table of Considerations is provided.

8 Points

Explanation uses course vocabulary and concepts to clearly identify what the IT solution is, what it is to do for the Clinic and what the major components are; and it appropriately sets the stage for the table. A good introduction to the Table of Considerations is provided.

7 Points

Explanation describes the IT solution, what it is, what it is to do, and what major components are needed; an introduction to the Table of Considerations is provided.

6 Points

Explanation of solution does not clearly explain what it is expected to do for the Clinic, does not provide the major components needed, or is not adequate to set stage for the table; and/or introduction to Table of Considerations is missing.

0-5 Points

No explanation provided, or very poor explanation of proposed solution provided; and/or little effort demonstrated



36-40 Points

Descriptions are at least two good sentences and all demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

32-35 Points

Descriptions are at least two good sentences and most demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

28-31 Points

Descriptions are at least two sentences and demonstrate a basic understanding of course concepts or analysis.

24-27 Points

Some descriptions are less than two sentences, and/or may be somewhat incomplete or inaccurate.

0-23 Points

Few, if any descriptions are provided, or many descriptions are incomplete or inaccurate.


Explanation of how consideration will be accommodated

36-40 Points

Explanations are at least two good sentences each and use course vocabulary to demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis, and critical thinking; and are clearly focused on the case study and the proposed EHR solution. Additional consideration (#20) is highly appropriate to the case study and the EHR solution.

32-35 Points

Explanations are at least two good sentences each and use course vocabulary to demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis, and critical thinking; and are focused on the case study and the proposed EHR solution.Additional consideration (#20) is appropriate to the case study and the EHR solution.

28-31 Points

Explanations are at least two sentences that explain how the consideration will be accommo-dated and are relevant to the case study and proposed EHR solution. Additional consideration (#20) is appropriate to the case study and the EHR solution.

24-27 Points

Some explanations are less than two sentences, and/or do not provide adequate explanations; may be lacking in the use of course vocabulary; or are not focused on the case study and/or the proposed EHR solution.Additional consideration (#20) may not be appropriate to the case study and the EHR solution.

0-23 Points

Few, if any explanations are provided, and/or are not complete; or little effort demonstrated.


Report Format

9-10 Points

Information is professionally presented; and uses course vocabulary, correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling.

8 Points

Information is presented well; uses correct sentence structure, and has few grammar, and spelling errors.

7 Points

Information is presented with some grammar and/or spelling errors.

6 Points

Information is not professionally presented, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors.

0-5 Points

Information is extremely poorly written; has many grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or does not convey the information adequately.


TOTAL Points Possible



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