This project is intended to provide current material for class discussion and review. This material must relate to your ...

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This project is intended to provide current material for class discussion and review. This material must relate to your Course Project subject. To receive full credit for this requirement, submit the In the News during Week 5. The project may draw on items from the online environment—newspapers, magazines, and websites—to provide current (i.e., within the last year) examples of course-related topics (i.e., business strategy from this week's reading assignment). Relevance and probable interest to the class are especially welcome. These items should be accompanied by a one- to two-page report (using bullet points). Be sure to use specific course concepts from the readings in Chapters 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10. Examples are: Competitive Advantage-Porter’s Generic Strategies (page 162), The Experience Curve (page 165), Industry Life Cycle Stages (pages 187–189), Turnaround Strategies (pages 193–195), Vertical Integration (pages 210–214), Portfolio Management and the BCG Matrix (pages 216–226), Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures (pages 226–228), Competitive Dynamics (pages 299–306), Culture (pages 322–330), and Organization Structure (pages 357–385).

Be sure you include the news article or a summary, as well as the one- to two-page report using bullet points that fully addresses the following points in this order.

The organization you have chosen for your Course Project by name.
Why and how the news material is important and relevant to the course content using specific course concepts from this week's assigned reading by citing the name of the concept and the page it is located on in the textbook.
What practical managerial implications the material has.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.


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