1. Basic Excel Operation:
Create an Excel spreadsheet that can be used to calculate
your grade in this class. The spreadsheet should include the
weights of each graded assignment, your grade in each
assignment, and your final grade. To use this for your
benefit you may want to design it so that it can be used to
calculate your interim grade before you have all the grades.
Use a new sheet called "Grade Calculator" in the same Excel
file that you are submitting for this assignment.
After this week you will receive the solution from your
professor and you will be able to use your solution or our
solution for future classes.
2. Frequency Distribution
According to Zillow.com, here is a list of the prices of
the property sold (in thousands) in Washington, DC
June 29 â 30, 2016. Use Excelâs capability
(=FREQUENCY()) to create a frequency distribution
using 5 bins.
3. Histogram, bar chart, and pie chart
Use the house price data and the bins data from
problem 3 to create a histogram using the data
analysis tool.
Use the data from the =FREQUENCY()
distribution and the bins data from problem 3
to create a bar chart and, pie chart.