University of Maryland University College Stat 200 (Whealon) Quiz 3 – 80 pts Directions: Read & sign the academic ho...

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University of Maryland University College

Stat 200 (Whealon) Quiz 3 – 80 pts

Directions: Read & sign the academic honesty certification statement below before taking the quiz.

The test and work is due as specified in the “Course Schedule”. Late submissions are not accepted except in the case of extenuating documented emergencies.

This is an open-book, open-notes quiz. A calculator, Excel or other software may be used and are encouraged. You may add spaces as needed to show your work. You must show your work OR cite your calculator app or website app to receive full credit. An answer that consists of simply a number will receive no credit.

I certify that the work submitted on and with this document represents my own personal work. I certify that I have not collaborated with, or consulted with, anyone else to produce the work I am submitting. I understand & agree to abide by UMUC Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.


Student Signature and Date

1. (5 pts) A marketing research company needs to estimate which of two medical plans its employees prefer. A random sample of n employees produced the following 95% confidence interval for the proportion of employees who prefer plan A. (0.299, 0.539) What is the point estimate of the true proportion of employees who prefer that plan? What is the margin of error?

2. (5 pts) A university dean is interested in determining the proportion of students who receive some sort of financial aid. Rather than examine the records for all students, the dean randomly selects 200 students and finds that 118 of them are receiving financial aid. Find a 99% confidence interval to estimate the true proportion of students on financial aid. Express the answer in the form p-hat± E and round to the nearest hundredth.

3. (5 pts) A simple random sample of size n < 30 was taken. From the box plot, determine whether we should find a t-interval



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