Part One: Note: For the two-way ANOVA, you will be expected to create a line graph ascovered in the SPSS tutorial in the...

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Part One: Note: For the two-way ANOVA, you will be expected to create a line graph as
covered in the SPSS tutorial in the Course Content (and not a boxplot as in the textbook).
This applies to future cumulative questions as well.
Green & Salkind: Lesson 26 end of chapter exercises. Read the research scenarios in the
text, then follow the directions below as some questions have been altered.
Open Lesson 26 Exercise File 1 found in Blackboard Course content (under Syllabus and
Assignment Instructions—Assignment Instructions—SPSS Homework4—SPSS Homework 4
Files—Mod4_Lesson 26 Exercise File 1).
This data set pertains to reinforcers and reinforcement schedules on arithmetic test scores for
second graders, as described in Green and Salkind end-of-chapter Exercise 1 in Lesson 26.


Conduct a two-way ANOVA and paste the output here, including Tukey’s post hoc
test for any independent variables with more than two groups/levels.
Answer the following questions:
a F value for the reinforcer type main effect
b Effect size for the interaction effect
c P value for the schedule main effect
Produce a line graph instead of a boxplot for this problem. Follow directions in
course SPSS tutorial for setting up a line graph.

Open Lesson 26 Exercise File 2 found in Blackboard Course content (under Syllabus and
Assignment Instructions—Assignment Instructions—SPSS Homework 4—SPSS Homework 4
Files—Mod4_Lesson 26 Exercise File 2).
This data set pertains to the amount of play time fathers spend with children as described in the
second end-of-chapter scenario in Lesson 26 of Green and Salkind.


Conduct a two-way ANOVA and paste the output here, including Tukey’s post hoc test
for any independent variables with more than two groups/levels.
Write an APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results
sections” should follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content
document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format.” Remember to include a
decision about the null hypothesis.
Produce a line graph instead of a boxplot for this problem, and for 2-way ANOVA’s in
general in the course. Follow directions in course SPSS tutorial for setting up a line

Part Two:
1 Research scenario: A group of clinical psychologists sets up a treatment study to look at the
effects of treatment type and treatment setting (community clinic or university clinic) on
symptom severity in a sample of patients with diagnosed Major Depressive Disorder. They
recruit 12 participants from each type of clinic, and divide them further into two groups, one
of which receives cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and one of which receives

psychodynamic (PD) therapy. The psychologists measure depressive symptomology using
the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck et al., 1961), and scores can range from 0 to 62. Their
results are in the table below. Conduct a two-way ANOVA to determine whether treatment
type and/or treatment setting have an effect on the severity of depressive symptoms.



Community Clinic

University Clinic


Paste SPSS output.


Write an APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework “Results
sections” should follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content
document “Writing Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format.” Remember to include a
decision about the null hypothesis. For the two-way ANOVA, be sure to include
statistical statements concerning the F ratios and p values for both main effects and the
interaction, and decisions about the null hypotheses for all 3 of these effects.


Based on group means, clients at which clinic type have the lowest mean BDI score,
regardless of treatment type?


Is there a significant interaction effect?

Part Three: Cumulative Homework: Choose the correct method from tests learned in
previous modules.
1. Research scenario: An investigator in child development research is studying the
development of object permanence – the understanding that an object still exists even if its
out of sight. She tests three groups of infants – ten who are 9 months old, 8 who are 12
months old, and 10 who are 15 months old. She presents each of the infants with 10 trials. On
each trial, a toy is first shown to the child and then covered with a piece of cloth. The infant
demonstrates object permanence if he or she looks for the object when it’s covered. Each
infant is given a score for the number of trials (out of 10) on which he or she shows object
permanence. Is there a significant difference between the groups on demonstrations of object
permanence? Choose the correct test to analyze this question, set up the SPSS file, and run
the analysis. Follow the directions under the table below.

9 Months

8, 3, 4, 6, 5, 4, 9, 2, 0, 1

12 Months

10, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 10, 3

15 Months

10, 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 9, 6, 6, 8


Paste appropriate SPSS output.
Paste appropriate SPSS graph.
Write an APA-style results section describing the outcome. All
homework “Results sections” should follow the example given in
the SPSS tutorial and the Course Content document “Writing
Results of Statistical Tests in APA Format.”


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