Homework 3/Leader Review: The text defines leadership skill as “the ability to influence people toward the attainment ...

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Homework 3/Leader Review: 

The text defines leadership skill as “the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals”. Leaders come in all shapes, sizes and styles. There are several leadership theories that can be applied to general organizational and decision-making situations. Read chapter 15 and respond to the following questions: 

1. Is it important for you as a manager to understand the difference between leadership and management? Explain your answer. 

2. What is the difference between the “situational approach” and “trait approach” to leadership? What approach seems to have more relevance to you as a manager? Explain your answer. 

3. Would it be easy for you to be a “servant leader”? Why or why not? 

4. Which leadership theory-Level 5 Leadership, Authentic Leadership, The Leadership Grid, Contingency Approaches to Leadership (Situational, Fiedler’s) - do you subscribe to and why? 

5. Is there a "right" way to lead an organization? The purpose of this exercise is gain insight into various leadership theories and to understand the relationship between leading and managing. The overall assignment will be evaluated on using the concepts from the chapter and personal reflection in responding to the question. Clarity and grammatical soundness are also important. Total Points: 50


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