M7D1-Business StrategyGo to Nestle Global and read the company’s latest sustainability report. To access this report, ...

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M7D1-Business Strategy

Go to Nestle Global and read the company’s latest sustainability report. To access this report, click “Creating Shared Value” on the homepage and then click “Water and Environmental Sustainability” in the menu on the left. Post a response to the following after reading the report:

What are Nestlé's key sustainable environmental policies? How is the company addressing sustainable social development?

How do these initiatives relate to the company's principles, values, culture, and its approach to competing in the food industry?

In what ways are these initiatives helping the company gain competitive advantage?


Watch the following video:

Google. An inside look at Google – Working at Google [FLV 6.8 MB 02:17 mins]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/aOZhbOhEunY

Visit BestCompany to review the annual lists of the 100 Best Places To Work For. Search the internet to read more about Google's culture.

On the basis of your research and readings, post a response to the following:

What specific policies and practices do you believe are instrumental in making this company a great place to work?

How is its culture helpful in executing its strategy?

Can Google do anything further to improve its strategy execution? Suggest at least two measures that you think the company might consider.


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