PART A – Questions 1 – 7Consider a market where demand is D: P = 30 – Q and supply is S: P = 0.5Q.1. Equilibrium q...

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PART A – Questions 1 – 7
Consider a market where demand is D: P = 30 – Q and supply is S: P = 0.5Q.
1. Equilibrium quantity Qe is
a. $17
b. $18
c. $19
d. $20
2. Equilibrium is price Pe
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13
3. Consumer surplus CS is
a. $199
b. $200
c. $201
d. $202
4. Producer surplus PS is
a. $98
b. $99
c. $100
d. $101
5. Total surplus TS is
a. $220
b. $300
c. $323
d. $444
6. When the government imposes a price floor = $20, disequilibrium between quantity
demanded and quantity supplied results in
a. Deficit = 10
b. Surplus = 10
c. Deficit = 30
d. Surplus = 30
7. Total surplus TS’ with the price floor is
a. $220
b. $225
c. $230
d. $235
PART B – Questions 8 – 28
Consider a market where demand is D: P = 40 – Q and supply is S: P = Q.
8. Equilibrium quantity Qe is
a. 16
b. 18
c. 20
d. 22

9. Equilibrium price Pe is
a. $18
b. $20
c. $22
d. $24
10. Consumer surplus CS is
a. $198
b. $199
c. $200
d. $201
11. Producer surplus PS is
a. $198
b. $199
c. $200
d. $201
12. Total surplus TS is
a. $390
b. $394
c. $396
d. $400
Impose a specific tax T = $4 on each unit sold in the above market.
13. Post-tax quantity Q’ is
a. 16
b. 18
c. 20
d. 22
14. Post-tax price P’ is
a. $18
b. $20
c. $22
d. $24
15. Consumer surplus CS’ is
a. $156
b. $158
c. $160
d. $162
16. Producer surplus PS’ is
a. $156
b. $158
c. $160
d. $162
17. Tax revenue TR of the government is
a. $68
b. $70
c. $72

d. $74
18. Total surplus TS’ is
a. $390
b. $394
c. $396
d. $400
Consider a market where demand is: P = 70 – Q and supply is S: P = Q.
19. Equilibrium quantity Qe is
a. 35
b. 36
c. 45
d. 56

20. Equilibrium price Pe is
a. $34
b. $35
c. $36
d. $37
21. Consumer surplus CS is
a. $610
b. $612.5
c. $615
d. $648
22. Producer surplus PS is
a. $610
b. $612.5
c. $615
d. $648
23. Total surplus TS is
a. $1,222
b. $1,223
c. $1,224
d. $1,225
Construct a budget neutral subsidy in the above market.
24. Post-subsidy quantity Q’ is
a. 35
b. 36
c. 45
d. 56
25. Post-subsidy price P’ is
a. $34
b. $35
c. $36

d. $37
26. Consumer surplus CS’ is
a. $610
b. $612.5
c. $615
d. $648
27. Producer surplus PS’ is
a. $610
b. $612.5
c. $615
d. $648
28. Total surplus TS is (do not forget to account for the subsidy expenditure SE)
a. $1,222
b. $1,223
c. $1,224
d. $1,225

29. The basic characteristic of the long run is that:
A. barriers to entry prevent new firms from entering the industry.
B. the firm has sufficient time to change the size of its plant.
C. the firm does not have sufficient time to cut its rate of output to zero.
D. a firm does not have sufficient time to change the amounts of any of the resources it

30. The law of diminishing returns indicates that:
A. as extra units of a variable resource are added to a fixed resource, marginal product
will decline beyond some point.
B. because of economies and diseconomies of scale a competitive firm's long-run
average total cost curve will be U-shaped.
C. the demand for goods produced by purely competitive industries is downsloping.
D. beyond some point the extra utility derived from additional units of a product will yield
the consumer smaller and smaller extra amounts of satisfaction.

31. Variable cost is:
A. the cost of producing one more unit of capital, say, machinery.
B. any cost which does not change when the firm changes its output.
C. average total cost multiplied by the firm's output.
D. any cost that rises with output in the short run.

32. In the above figure, curves 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent the:
A. ATC, MC, AFC, and AVC curves respectively.
B. MC, AFC, AVC, and ATC curves respectively.
C. MC, ATC, AVC, and AFC curves respectively.
D. ATC, AVC, AFC, and MC curves respectively.

33. Refer to the above data. If product price is $60, the firm will:
A. shut down.
B. produce 4 units and realize a $120 economic profit.
C. produce 6 units and realize a $100 economic profit.
D. produce 3 units and incur a $40 loss.

34. Refer to the above diagram for a pure monopolist. Monopoly price will be:
A. e.
B. c.
C. b.
D. a.

35. Refer to the above diagram for a pure monopolist. Monopoly output will be:
A. between f and g.
B. h.
C. g.
D. f.
Consider a market with the market demand D: P = 100 – Q, which is served by two Cournot
duopolistic producers with the constant marginal cost MC = $10 and no fixed cost.

36. In Nash equilibrium, the output of each firm, is
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50

In Nash equilibrium, the market output is

38. In Nash equilibrium, the market price is
A. $30
B. $40
C. $50
D. $60
39. In Nash equilibrium, profit of each firm is
A. $900
B. $1000
C. $1100
D. $1200
40. When these two firms collude to form a cartel, the market output is
A. 10
B. 20
C. 35
D. 45
41. When these two firms collude to form a cartel, the market price is
A. 45

B. 55
C. 60
D. 70
42. When these two firms collude to form a cartel, the profit of each firm is
A. $1012.50
B. $1450.50
C. $1560.25
D. $1860.25
43. Under pure competition a large number of identical firms in this market would produce a

market output of

44. Under pure competition the market price in this market would be
A. $10
B. $14
C. $15
D. $18


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