BUSI 340 Fall 2016 Quiz 2Mental models are __ that guide perceptions and behaviorWhich of the following is an internal f...

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BUSI 340 Fall 2016 Quiz 2Mental models are __ that guide perceptions and behavior
Which of the following is an internal factor that affects job performance?
Which of the following describes the fundamental attribution error?
If you form a general negative impression of a person based on one prominent characteristic, and it affects your perception of other characteristics of that person, it is calledAndre is a doctor who quick to mention that he is a doctor when he first meets other people. He also tends to perceive himself and other physicians in a more favorable way than nurses and non-medical staff. Which concept best explains Andre's perceptual process?
Which of the following is true about meaningful interaction?Which perceptual error occurs when a supervisor incorrectly rates an employee at a similar level across all performance dimensions based on an overall impression of that employee?A perceptual error in which we tend to believe that other people hold the same beliefs and attitudes that we do.
In the Johari Window, the _____ area includes information about you that is known both to you and othersMental models cause us to:
Process deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused mainly by the person (internal factors) or by environment (external factors
Which of the following determine whether intentions translate into behavior
Most often, people reduce cognitive dissonance by:
which of these statements about emotional labor is true?
self-awareness self-management social awareness and relationship management are all components of
Which of the following is a conclusion by organizational behavior scholars regarding job satisfaction?
According to the Circumplex Model of Emotions, high activation negative emotions include:
people with more positive emotions typically have higher __________and are extroverted
Emotional labor is higher in jobs requiring:Which of the following terms best represents the positive or negative evaluations of the attitude object?
Emotional intelligence is best described as:The uncomfortable tension felt when our behavior and attitudes are inconsistent with each other is called:The adaptive responseto a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening tothe person's well-being is called:Stress is best described as:A.the physiological disorders we experience from adverse environmental conditions.


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