Question(1) As we go this course we will have the opportunity to discuss a variety of leadership models and theories. ch...

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Question(1) As we go this course we will have the opportunity to discuss a variety of leadership models and theories. change process theories describe a typical pattern of events that occur from the beginning of a change to the end. one of the earliest process theories was lewin's (1951) force -field model. He proposed that the change process can be divided into three phases: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.
Although the models is fairly simplistic, do you think it still has relevance in today"s workplace? if so, share an example that could use this model?

Question (2)
Resistance to change is a common phenomenon for individuals and organizations. There are a number of different reasons why people resist major changes in organizations (cannor 1995) and they are not mutually exclusive.
The first one listed is lack of trust, it states that, 'distrust can magnify the effect of other sources of resistance".
can you think of a time when you did not trust your leadership in an organization? why was there a lack of trust? what did the leader do to restore trust and was it successful?.

Question (3)
Briefly describe two leading organizational theories. How might you use these theories as a consultant to influence the leadership of client organizations during change efforts?

Question (4)
As a consultant, how might you assess the culture of an organization? what information would you collect? How would you use the data you collect to influence change in the organization?

Question (5)
As a consultant, there may be times when you are hired to assist with a technical initiatives and discover through your organization analysis that a value level or attitude - centered change is needed. How would you explain the levels of change to your client?. How might the technical level change initiative be affected if the client decides not to incorporate a value level change as well?

Question (6)
Culture of an organization can be critical to its success and the happiness of employees, change can be a very stressful time for all involved .Why is knowledge of the current organizational culture importance during a change initiative? how might the organizational culture affect the success of a change initiative? As a consultant, what approach would you take if the client organization has a culture that resists change?

Discuss this week"s objectives with your team. your discussion should include the topic you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field . feel free to include any current events that align with the week"s objectives ( The topic this week is Organizational theories)


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